
Modified on Sat , 20 Feb at 8 AM

Step 1: Dialog Flow



1)In this dialog flow, user can enable or disabled the dialog flow.

2) user can also delete the data by using delete button 

3) click on edit and add more button to add dialog flow"s service account name,and its json file.



1)In service account name user can enter dialog flow service account name

2)And in file upload,user can upload json file 


Step 2 : WIT.AI




1)In this WIT.AI, users can enable or disabled thE

2) user can also delete the data by using delete button 

3) click on edit and add more buttons to add’s access token name and access token.



1)In Access token  name user can enter access token name.

2) Also enter the access token no.


Step 3 : Google calendar 


  1. User can enabled or disabled the calender by clicking its radio buttons 

  2. User can also add events by clicking on add events.

  3. User can also check the show events by clicking on it 

  4. User can also delete the calender by clicking on delete button 

  5. Click on add more user can sign in with his gmail account to select the calender.


1)click on select calender, user can select the calender by clicking on select calender event.

2)user can enter  the location. 

3) user can enter  the event name .

4) user can enter the event duration.

5) user can enter the description

6) User can enter the start time and end time.

7) In availablity user can select the checkbox for mon to sun.


Step 4 : Stripe 


1)User can enabled and disabled the stripe 

2) User can also delete the stripe 

3) click on edit event user can enter private key and public key 

4)click on integrate account 


4) User can enter public key and private key in a stripe account.

5)click on submit button to submit 


Step 5 : paypal 


 1)User can enabled and disabled the paypal.

2) User can also delete the paypal.

3) click on edit event user can enter client key and secret key 

4)click on integrate account 

  1. User can enter client key 

  2. User can enter secret key 


Step 7 : zapier 

 1)User can enabled and disabled the zapier.

2) User can also delete the zapier.

3) click on edit enter wehbook url.

4)click on integrate zapier. 

5) user can enter wehbook url.

6)Click on submit button to submit wehbook url.


Tags : diaglogflow,stripe,paypal,zapier,google calender

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